Welcome to Oberon Training and Development, a new service provider aimed at meeting the training and development needs of primarily the health and social care sector in NI. 

We also have ambition to broaden our offer out to other sectors in the near future.

In fact, many of our training packages and courses are generalist and will have cross-industry appeal. Check out our courses here.

We are brought to you by our parent recruitment company, Oberon Agency which has been supplying high calibre nursing and medical staff to the NHS and private healthcare sector for over 25 years.

As trusted experts in the recruitment field, we know just how important the role training and development plays in ensuring workforces are fit for purpose and the future.

It is so important in health and social care to ensure the safety of people receiving and giving care and to maintain high standards of care quality.

In fewer other sectors, is it as important that employees know how to keep themselves and their patients safe?

We’ve seen first-hand how training and developing care staff, helps develop the behaviours, attitudes, skills and knowledge necessary to deliver high-quality, safe, person-centred care.

Critically, it mitigates against risk, helping staff to take the right steps to prevent risk from happening and to be responsive and able when it does.

Training and development, has many benefits. It –

  • Helps people feel more confident and able in a job that be highly stressful
  • Develops professional confidence helping staff feel more in control of their jobs
  • Provides a positive culture and environment that allows people to perform at their optimum level
  • Allows staff to maximise on their potential
  • Prevents low team morale, a lack of confidence in staff and slipping standards

We also know just how vitally important it is in attracting and recruiting more applicants particularly against a health and social care backdrop beset by post Pandemic challenges and a backdrop of sweeping NHS reforms and cut backs.

That’s why we have launched Oberon Training and Development. 

As experts in health and social care recruitment, we know and understand only too well, the vital role training and development plays in attracting and recruiting more applicants as part of a wider investment in staff development and progression.

Oberon Training and Development is here because we want to encourage and support organisations commit to staff training and development and establish clear career progression routes.

Our knowledge of the health care sector has enabled us to hire the very best professional trainers, with exceptional clinical and educational backgrounds. Their expertise covers a wide range of general and medical disciplines.

We believe our new client-centred training service is a positive intervention for job seekers, those who want to take the next steps in their careers and for employers.

Oberon Training and Development’s offer will develop over time to meet the learning and development needs across a broad range of disciplines and sectors.

For now, we are focusing on and building trust on what we know and do best, health, social care and more general training.

Our medium to long term ambition will see our portfolio build to deliver top-quality training and accreditation to meet the needs of a broad range of disciplines, industries and sectors.


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